

The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen

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Originally published by Andy Raskin HERE.

The 5 Elements of a Brilliant Sales Narrative

#1. Name a Big, Relevant Change in the World

what attracts human attention is change. …if the temperature around you changes, if the phone rings — that gets your attention. The way in which a story begins is a starting event that creates a moment of change.

#2. Show There’ll Be Winners and Losers

#3. Tease the Promised Land

#4. Introduce Features as “Magic Gifts” for Overcoming Obstacles to the Promised Land

#5. Present Evidence that You Can Make the Story Come True

A Sales Narrative Works Best When Everyone Tells It

The Zuora marketing folks ran campaigns and branding around this shift to the subscription economy, and [CEO] Tien [Tzuo] talked it up all the time. All of that was like air cover for my in-person sales ground attack. By the time I arrived, prospects were already convinced they had to act. It was the closest thing I’ve ever experienced to sales nirvana.

Biggest Deal Ever

Shower Thoughts